The ecobiopsychology is a new methodological discipline, which intends to study in a scientific way the relation between Man and the Environment and the possibility for him to revisit by means of his conscience the archetypal aspects of Life, sedimented in the body as instincts and traceable in the psyche as symbolic images. The Weltanschauung which the ecobiopsychology tends to put together in harmonious and vital way the conclusion of physical and biological sciences with those of human sciences. Such a wide program requires the dialectic integration of many disciplines, and this is made possible by means of a correct use of the analogic and symbolic thought. This way makes possible to recognize the plot of the totality of the world (Unus Mundus), and therefore the sacral sense of the existence. With these premises, ANEB gathers researchers of various scientific fields, ranging from Psychology and Psychoanalysis to Literature and Philosophy, to Art and Aesthetics, to Mythology and Religion History, to Economics and Social Sciences, to Biology and Physics.
D. Frigoli - The Psychosomatic Code of the Living (english)
D. Frigoli - Giordano Bruno: from the knowledge of the Self to the knowledge of God (english)
D. Frigoli - Light and Shadow: the archetypal dimension of the transformation (english)
D. Frigoli - The archetypal image of the Sound: the consonant M (english)
G. Cavallari - The post-patriarchal Man (english)
D. Frigoli - Ecobiopsychology in World Futures. The Journal of New Paradigm Research (english)
D. Frigoli - Unus Mundus in World Futures. The Journal of New Paradigm Research (english)
D. Frigoli - The soul's language. Fundamentals of ecobiopsychology (english)
D. Frigoli - The Yin and Yang symbolism in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (english)
D. Frigoli - The Self Archetype and ecobiopsychology in Ricerca Psicoanalitica - journal of the Relationship in Psychoanalysis (english)
G. Cavallari - An ecobiopsychological sight on Europe: reflections born at Eranos (english)
D. Frigoli - The pandemic and the pathology of the in-formation (english)
D. Frigoli - The cave: the uterus of the Mother Earth (english)
D. Frigoli - Lost: the lost paradise (english)
D. Frigoli - The subtle breath of the spirit (english)
D. Frigoli - Symbols of the body: matter evolves in the liver (english)
M. Breno - From the roots of the concept of transference to the reflections dictated by the new scientific discoveries (english)
D. Frigoli - The holistic approach to psychotherapy (english)
D. Frigoli - The Masculine and the Feminine (english)
D. Frigoli - The soul’s physics. Ecobiopsychological considerations in psychology (english)
D. Frigoli - Ecobiopsychology. A new discipline in the panorama of complexity (english)
M. Breno - Anàmnesis: the deep meaning of life (english)
D. Frigoli - The "light" of symbols and psychoterapy (english)
D. Frigoli - Man and nature. The psychosomatic Self as archetype of the third millennium (english)
A. Marini - The magic of Eranos, Genius loci and ancestors (english)
D. Frigoli - The spleen: a reservoir of energy (english)
D. Frigoli - Symbols of the body: "matter" evolves in the liver (english)
M. Breno, D. Frigoli - Birth and motherhood, images and resonances (english)
P. Fereoli - The "tabernacle" of the Feminine (english)
E. Bombaci - Perfection has the face of a ferocious peace (english)
D. Frigoli, A.Bracci - The Soul (english)
R. Restelli - The importance of rituals in processing the pain of grief (english)
R. Restelli - Trauma, Dissociation and Therapy: the changing Brain (english)
D. Frigoli - Ecobiopsicologia (español)
D. Frigoli - El simbolismo del Yin y del Yang en la medicina tradicional china (español)
Translated by Dr.ssa Raffaella Restelli – Psychologist, member of the British Psychological Society (UK), Ecobiopsychological Counselor and expert in ANEB Psychosomatic Medicine. Linguist in ANEB Editorial area.
Dr.ssa Elena Marina Montagnoli – Psicóloga y estudiante de especialización en psicoterapia psicosomática en la escuela ANEB, con formación en lenguas extranjeras y un enfoque particular en lengua y literatura española.